Guess why ?

Importance of simple design that matters a  lot !!!

Here's the importance of designing in every aspect.

1) Why do pen cap have hole at top ?

This is an example of simple yet very effective design !!

One of the oldest and more popular ballpoints were the Bic Cristal who originally made it part of their design to include a small hole at the end of the cap. Considering that pen caps were one of the common objects swallowed by children causing them to choke and proved fatal. The hole was put in to allow passage of air in case the dreadful event happened; since, we all love putting them in our mouths! 

2) Why do aircraft's window have small hole ?

Have you ever noticed a small hole while travelling in aircraft. do you know why?

Every single window on the airplane has the same hole. More officially, it's called a breather hole and it's used to regulate the amount of pressure that passes between the window's inner and outer panes.
In short, the system ensures that the outer pane bears the most pressure so that if there were a situation that caused added strain on the window, it's the outside panel that gives out (meaning you can still breathe).
Since pressure changes in the cabin during the flight, it's also necessary to equalize the pressure between the window panes, and hence the little hole. A hole of that size would not jeopardize pressurization even if the outer pane blew out. Note the label "Breather Hole" in the diagram below.  

There is a rubber seal around the outside of the two panes so it would be a bit of a pain to open a hole to cavity from the side. Apart from that, the windows are pretty tight together and by keeping it where it is there is nothing in the vicinity such as dust that could gradually be pulled in.
Since the air in between the panes is colder, it's not unusual to see ice crystals forming around the hole as the more humid cabin air enters the cavity.
  The breather hole also keeps the window fog-free by wicking moisture that gets stuck between the panes.
3) Why the bottom of wine bottle have indentation?

What's the purpose of the indentation at the bottom of your daily drink of choice? 

It's to relieve pressure while removing the cork. You'll notice that champagne bottles have an even larger one.

That indentation is called "Punts". Punts were a function of wine bottle being made by glassblowers. The seam was pushed up to make sure the bottle stand upright and there wasn't a sharp point of glass on bottom. it's also thought that the punt added to the bottle's structural integrity.

4) Plastic liners under the cap of carbonated drinks

Have you ever noticed the plastic liner under the bottle cap?

Have a look at the blue liner. This pressure seal is softer than the plastic used for the rest of the bottle and helps ensure the freshness and carbonation of your drink.
This acts as an excellent sealant. Its has excellent resistance against pressure and is odorless and do not change taste of the food as well as beverages.

5) Reason for most of beer bottle to be brown ?
Color? really does that affect anything?
Glass was initially used to hold beer because it was found to be the best material for keeping the liquid fresher for longer periods of time. But it took some time to come to the conclusion that clear glass was not the way to go when it came to beer. Clear glass became a problem. Clear bottles of beer left in the sun quickly turned sour. The smell and taste of the beer resembled the smell of a skunk.
After significant investigation as to why beer kept in glass bottles spoiled so quickly, scientific research produced evidence that ultra-violet rays from the sun were responsible for damaging the acids found in the hops. This reaction triggered a chemical process which produced a chemical nearly identical to that of the spray of a skunk. So the term ‘skunky beer’ was quite literal when it came to bad beer. The actual term used in the brewing industry when beer has gone bad is referred to as ‘lightstruck’. Any beer using hops are subject to skunking. However, new advancements in the beer industry have led to the development of light stable hops to prevent this chemical reaction when exposed to solar radiation.
6) Dimples in golf ball ?
Ever wondered why golf ball have dimples on its surface.

The golf ball didn't always look like it does today. Early golf balls were actually made of leather and stuffed with wet goose feathers!                                          
Over time, manufacturers began making golf balls with the gum of the sapodilla tree. The gum was heated and formed into a perfect sphere. These golf balls were called “gutta-perchas."
Golfers believed that smooth golf balls would travel farther through the air because a smooth surface would create less wind resistance. But they were wrong!
Golfers quickly noticed smooth gutta-perchas did not soar through the air as well as featheries. Over time, however, they began to notice that scuffed, scratched and dented gutta-perchas covered a greater distance than smooth ones.Like many inventions, the golf ball dimple was discovered accidentally. By 1930, the dimpled golf ball had become the standard in golfing.A golf ball with dimples can travel almost twice as far as a smooth golf ball. By adding dimples to the ball, golf ball manufacturers minimize drag forces that pull back on the ball or slow it down.Dimples also help lift the ball by forcing airflow downward, which pushes the ball upward. These are the same principles of aerodynamics that airplanes use to fly i.e delay the flow separation and to prolong the flow throughout its surface.
7) Why manhole are round in shape ?
A round manhole cover cannot fall through its circular opening,whereas a square manhole cover could fall in if it were inserted diagonally in hole. Circular cover don't need to be rotated or precisely aligned when placing them on the opening. A round manhole cover is easily moved and rolled

8) Can comes with inbuilt straw holder ?

I am sure that even you drink lots of coke you might not have use the hidden straw holder of can.

Think you are enjoying your drink on a date and while talking you try to take a sip and are not able to get straw as it keeps moving.  The can have a hole for holding straw.

Let's use the straw holder and keep talking.

9) Do you know that all babies have hole in heart while in womb ?

Yes, as an unborn baby in womb, we had a hole in our heart.

Relax, as soon as you are born and take the first breath, the hole gets closed and you are able to breath through lungs. The reason for that hole is Respiration. Yes, correct - because the baby is surrounded by amino fluid,it cannot breath through lungs via nose. Hence the blood carries the necessary oxygen required by the baby which passes through this hole and again back to mothers body.

10) Why deserts have very low temperature at nights and high temperature in day ?

We think that deserts are very hot but during night, temperature falls way below 0° C.

We feel comfortable in non-deserted areas as the temperature surrounding us is suitable for our body. But in deserts you might not survive without proper survival skills. The only reason is 'it is damn too hot sunny day and chilling night'. During day the temperature can be nearly 50°C and during night , it can be as low as -18°C.

The reason that nights temperature are comfortable for us is because of presence of water vapour and majority by carbon dioxide.Deserts are deficient of water vapour and CO2 , because there are no trees,dry land ,no people and various other factor.
Now how water vapour and CO2 helps to keep the temperature warm in non-deserted areas but not in deserts?
The simple reason is because of their characteristics. They are actually transparent for most of the ranges of wavelength of all rays coming from sun but not for infrared rays. Infrared rays are actually responsible to keep sorrounding warm.
In cities because of abundance of CO2 they allow the sunrays to pass through them.The rays are then absorbed and reflected back in form of infrared radiation.Mostly all objects including animals and human reflect back in form of infrared rays(Thats why we use infrared cameras to find people/jungle in dark).These infrared radiation are responsible for warmness. For example in crowded area like trains buses etc even if it is cold weather you will feel warmness,as people around you emit infrared rays as in form of heat.Now back to our case desert doesnt have water vapour or CO2 that is opaque to these infrared rays. Hence the heat which is absorbed during day time is quickly given off during night due to which the temperature drops very quickly as there is no hindrance for it to escape.

11) What's that near your charging pin?

  Have you ever wonder    what is that for?
It is called ferrite bead. It is a passive electric component that suppresses high frequency noise in electronic circuits. It is spectific type of electronic choke. They may also be called as cores,rings,EMI filters or chokes.

Ferrite is black semi-magnetic substance that is shaped like a cylinder  consisting iron oxide along with mixture of other metals. Ferrites are encased in rubber or plastic to protect them and keep them safe.


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