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Television or TV is a telecommunication medium used for transmitting moving images in monochrome (black-and-white), or in color, and in two or three dimensions and sound. The term can refer to a television set, a television program ("TV show"), or the medium of television transmission. Television is a mass medium for entertainment, educationnews, politics, gossip, and advertising.

The first demonstration of the live transmission of images was by Georges Rignoux and A. Fournier in Paris in 1909. A matrix of 64 selenium cells, individually wired to a mechanical commutator, served as an electronic retina. In the receiver, a type of Kerr cell modulated the light and a series of variously angled mirrors attached to the edge of a rotating disc scanned the modulated beam onto the display screen. A separate circuit regulated synchronization. The 8x8 pixel resolution in this proof-of-concept demonstration was just sufficient to clearly transmit individual letters of the alphabet. An updated image was transmitted "several times" each second. In 1921 Edouard Belin sent the first image via radio waves with his belinograph.



Scottish inventor John Logie Baird demonstrated the world's first color transmission on 3 July 1928, using scanning discs at the transmitting and receiving ends with three spirals of apertures, each spiral with filters of a different primary color; and three light sources at the receiving end, with a commutator to alternate their illumination. Baird also made the world's first color broadcast on 4 February 1938, sending a mechanically scanned 120-line image from Baird's Crystal Palace studios to a projection screen at London's Dominion Theatre.


  • German inventor Paul Nipkow managed to achieve static black and white television transmission with his famous “Electric Telescope” in 1884.
  • The word “Television” was coined in 1900 by Russian scientist Constantin Perskyi.
  • First American television station started working in 1928, and BBC transmission began in 1930.
  • 1960s brought great expansion of television. First TV satellite was launched in 1962 and in 1969 over 600 million people watched moon landings live from their homes.
  • Television became widely popular after the end of World War II. Over 1 million American homes had television in 1948.
  • First broadcasted TV commercial lasted for 20 seconds in 1941 during the game between Brooklyn Dodgers and the Philadelphia Phillies, and was for a clock manufactured by Bulova Corporation.

Source: Wiki, TV facts


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