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NASA's space shuttle

SPACE SHUTTLE The vehicle which is responsible to transport the payloads and human to outer-space. But very few people know t he working and engineering behind a space shuttle. NASA stands for National Aeronautics and Space Administration. NASA's space shuttle is the most complicated and complex machine ever build, making it one of the world's most expensive vehicles. It travels 25 times more faster than a speeding bullet and carries cargo worth million's of dollars. Its the world's first reusable space shuttle. On each mission it travels 6.5 millions kilometers. The launching of space shuttle is being done at Kennedy's space center. A new space shuttle cost around 1.7 billion dollars and take it for a spin can cost around 450 million dollars. Because of huge expense, NASA had to reduce its cost by reusing the space shuttle for its next program. And the best thing about space shuttle - "It has to be part plane and part rocket". But before

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